Google Summer of Code 2021

Today Google announced the list of open-source organizations participating in the 2021 Google Summer of Code program. Together with Raphael and Pedro, I’ll be mentoring the following two projects: A structured approach to diagnostics in LLDB Lua scripted watchpoints in LLDB If you’re interested in either of these projects or have questions, feel free to reach out. For more information about GSoC itself check out the Summer of Code website.

March 10, 2021

Lua Scripting in LLDB

LLDB is the debugger developed as part of the LLVM project. It is probably most known as the debugger in Xcode, but many use it as an alternative to GDB. Scripting in LLDB One thing that makes LLDB really powerful is how scriptable it is. It has a stable C++ API, called the SB API or Scripting Bridge API, which is accessible through Python. Following LLVM’s model of reusable components, most of LLDB constitutes a debugger library and the SB API is how tools like the command line driver interface with it....

December 22, 2019