Packages I Wish I Knew When Starting LaTeX

I’ve been using LaTeX for almost a decade now. Even after that much time, I keep running into new problems that require a solution I wasn’t aware of. LaTeX has a great community and usually there’s someone that already faced your problem. Every time I learn something new. This post discusses some packages that I consider to be essential, or that you should be at least aware of. I’m assuming you already know the basics, but if you don’t (and maybe even if you do) I can recommend The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX 2ε by Tobias Oetiker....

June 11, 2015

Modular Latex with Subfiles

Latex as a document system and markup language is very well suited for creating large documents. Working with a big, single file however remains an hassle, whatever its content. Fortunately, Latex supports splitting your document in several files. Two commands will make your life a lot easier: \input{file.tex} \include{file.tex} Although slightly different, both allow to include content from an external file inside your latex code. This is exactly what you want when you’re writing a book or a long article....

April 30, 2014