For some of the courses I took during my studies in computer science at the University of Leuven, I’ve combined the course material, typically with the help of others, into structured and easy to study documents.

Hoping that other students could also benefit from these notes, I’ve made them publicly available, on Github. The documents are writen in LateX which hopefully encourages my fellow students to correct mistakes and improve or extend them. The documents are usually written in the language used throughout the course, so either Dutch or English.

If you are a student computer science or Informatica at the KU Leuven and you want to join the KULeuven-CS organization on Github, feel free to contact me and I’ll gladly add you to the organization!

Dutch: Hieronder een overzicht van samenvattingen of “studentencursussen” voor wie Informatica of Computerwetenschappen studeert aan de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.


Genetic Algorithms

Geschiedenis van de Informatica

Numerieke Wiskunde

Ontwikkeling van Veilige Software

Ontwikkeling van Bedrijfstoepassingen

Parallel Computing

Software for Real-time and Embedded Systems

A complete overview can be found at