
class lldb.SBTypeList(*args)#

Represents a list of SBType s.

The FindTypes() method of SBTarget/SBModule returns a SBTypeList.

SBTypeList supports SBType iteration. For example,

// main.cpp:

class Task {
    int id;
    Task *next;
    Task(int i, Task *n):

# Get the type 'Task'.
type_list = target.FindTypes('Task')
self.assertTrue(len(type_list) == 1)
# To illustrate the SBType iteration.
for type in type_list:
    # do something with type

Methods Summary

Append(SBTypeList self, SBType type)

GetSize(SBTypeList self)

GetTypeAtIndex(SBTypeList self, uint32_t index)

IsValid(SBTypeList self)

Methods Documentation

Append(SBTypeList self, SBType type)#
GetSize(SBTypeList self) uint32_t#
GetTypeAtIndex(SBTypeList self, uint32_t index) SBType#
IsValid(SBTypeList self) bool#

Iterate over all types in a lldb.SBTypeList object.


Return the number of types in a lldb.SBTypeList object.